For vDM30in30 this year, I had planned on writing a quality blog to get things kicked off in a nice fashion. Unfortunately, travel delays and work commitments took up most of my time over the last few days. Then I remembered that Eric Wright (@discoposse) said one of the posts could be about vDM30in30 itself. So, I’m taking my mulligan early this year.
I participated in the first vDM30in30 but couldn’t last year. I will probably not hit 30 this month either as I will be out of the country for nine days in the middle of the month. My goal, however, is to at least write every day and not necessarily publish something every day. I put out a few snoozers in that first effort so I’m going to focus on writing every day but post more quality than quantity.
While looking for some topic ideas, I found that a lot of tech milestones happened in November. It was in November that these following technological advancements happened:
- First Earthlings reached orbit
- The birth of the Internet
- Ethernet was born
- The computer mouse was patented
- The conception of the World Wide Web
- Microsoft introduces Windows
- Microsoft declares tablets are the future (as I type this on my Surface Pro)
- Finally, and possibly most important: vDM30in30
The idea is to get in the habit of writing and blogging. It worked for me for a while but found myself updating my old blog less and less as work and family commitments took precedence. I have a different schedule with my new role so I should have at least a little time each day to write. So with that, I introduce my new site. I have populated it with a few of my favorite posts from my old site.
Looking forward to getting my “official” start on vDM30in30 tomorrow. For now, I just finished a six-hour drive and I think I’ll relax and watch the World Series.
In the first year of vDM30in30, @vmiss33 had an idea to post a song on each post. I usually listen to music as I write so I will pull one random song that was playing while I worked on the blog.